This workshop will guide you through the basic steps of using Sparlectra.jl to create and manipulate power system networks.
Loading data from a file
using Sparlectra
using Logging
global_logger(ConsoleLogger(stderr, Logging.Warn)) # Set global logger to log to stderr with WARN level
file = "caseXYZ.m"
printResultToFile = false
tol = 1e-6
ite = 10
verbose = 0 # 0: no output, 1: iteration norm, 2: + Y-Bus, 3: + Jacobian, 4: + Power Flow
net = run_acpflow(max_ite= ite,tol = tol, path=path, casefile=file, verbose=verbose, printResultToFile = printResultToFile)
Creating a network from scratch and exporting it to a file
using Sparlectra
using Logging
global_logger(ConsoleLogger(stderr, Logging.Info)) # Set global logger to log to stderr with WARN level
tol = 1e-8
ite = 10
verbose = 0 # 0: no output, 1: iteration norm, 2: + Y-Bus, 3: + Jacobian, 4: + Power Flow
writeCase = true
print_results = true
net = Net(name = "workshop_case5", baseMVA = 100.0)
addBus!(net = net, busName = "B1", busType = "PQ", vn_kV = 110.0, vm_pu = 1.0, va_deg = 0.0)
addBus!(net = net, busName = "B2", busType = "PQ", vn_kV = 110.0, vm_pu = 1.0, va_deg = 0.0)
addBus!(net = net, busName = "B3", busType = "PQ", vn_kV = 110.0, vm_pu = 1.0, va_deg = 0.0)
addBus!(net = net, busName = "B4", busType = "PQ", vn_kV = 110.0, vm_pu = 1.0, va_deg = 0.0)
addBus!(net = net, busName = "B5", busType = "Slack", vn_kV = 110.0, vm_pu = 1.0, va_deg = 0.0)
addACLine!(net = net, fromBus = "B1", toBus = "B2", length = 25.0, r = 0.2, x = 0.39)
addACLine!(net = net, fromBus = "B1", toBus = "B3", length = 25.0, r = 0.2, x = 0.39)
addACLine!(net = net, fromBus = "B2", toBus = "B4", length = 25.0, r = 0.2, x = 0.39)
addACLine!(net = net, fromBus = "B3", toBus = "B4", length = 25.0, r = 0.2, x = 0.39)
addACLine!(net = net, fromBus = "B4", toBus = "B5", length = 25.0, r = 0.2, x = 0.39)
addProsumer!(net = net, busName = "B1", type = "ENERGYCONSUMER", p = 1.0, q = 2.0)
addProsumer!(net = net, busName = "B2", type = "ENERGYCONSUMER", p = 1.0, q = 2.0)
addProsumer!(net = net, busName = "B3", type = "ENERGYCONSUMER", p = 1.0, q = 2.0)
addProsumer!(net = net, busName = "B5", type = "SYNCHRONMASCHINE", referencePri = "B5", vm_pu = 1.0, va_deg = 0.0)
addProsumer!(net = net, busName = "B1", type = "GENERATOR", p = 1.1, q = 2.0)
result, msg = validate!(net = net)
if !result
@warn msg
return false
if writeCase
filename = "workshop_case5"
writeMatpowerCasefile(net, path)
# Run power flow
tol = 1e-6
maxIte = 10
etime = @elapsed begin
ite, erg = runpf!(net, maxIte, tol, verbose)
if erg != 0
@warn "Power flow did not converge"
elseif print_results
printACPFlowResults(net, etime, ite, tol)
Loading a file and manipulating the network
using Sparlectra
file = "case5.m" # load a case file from the data folder
net = run_acpflow(casefile=file) # run the power flow calculation
brVec = getNetBranchNumberVec(net = net, fromBus = "1", toBus = "2")
setNetBranchStatus!(net = net, branchNr = brVec[1], status = 0) # set the status of the branch between Bus1 and Bus2 to 0
run_net_acpflow(net = net) # run the power flow calculation again
addBusShuntPower!(net = net, busName = "1", p = 0.0, q = 1.0) # Update the power of Bus1 to 0.0 MW and 1.0 MVar
run_net_acpflow(net = net) # run the power flow calculation again
filename="_case5a.m" # define the filename, do not overwrite the original file and change the case-name inside the file after writing
jpath = joinpath(pwd(), "data", "mpower", filename)
writeMatpowerCasefile(net, jpath) # write the net to a matpower case file